Damn! ... ... forcin us to thimk ... on a bloody-Sunday?!

Consequence, especially consequences ... be Huge words: just look at all that's implied..

1 a consequence of inflation: result, upshot, outcome, effect, repercussion, ramification, corollary, concomitant, aftermath, aftereffect; fruit(s), product, by-product, end result; informal payoff; Medicine sequela. ANTONYMS cause.
2 the past is of no consequence: importance, import, significance, account, substance, note, mark, prominence, value, concern, interest; formal moment.

[Then there's..]

Logical consequence, also known as a consequence relation, or entailment
In operant conditioning, a result of some behavior
Consequentialism, a theory in philosophy in which the morality of an act is determined by its effects
Unintended consequence
Punishment, an imposed consequence

[and.. WikiP chimes in]

In logic, a consequent is the second half of a hypothetical proposition or consequences
In music, a consequent is the second half of a period

I mean/I Mean:
there'd be no Warz! no Shrubs in White Houses (!!), no 'influence' whatsoever of Koch Bros (or other wannabe- Göbbelses!), no $B spent for personal 707s with King-size+ beds--so long as some kid hasn't enough to eat (or chances to learn things), no cock- dog- bull- fighting premeditated massacres-for-Fun? (or 'turtle-tossing'.) Nor hazing/ridicule/Bullying of some awkward ie Different-from-You 'kid'.

Nor need: to wade through Kant, Freud, Jung et al: in search of layers-of our [not-so 'ab'-normal] psychological, seppuku-inducing jelloware-idiocies.
No fucking-fracking Master-plans to get a very-few weird-people.. even more obscenely 'rich'--at the guaranteed gradual poisoning of all aquifers [and sooo n! More]
[how's That for the unintended-form of Consequences-writ-Large eh?]

With ya +11 (on a scale of 0-10) Screw the Unicorn-dreams--just clean-up the jellloware; maybe for some, already fully-deranged? that's ~~ rm -r hda0 then RRR.

All that needs to occur for (even this deranged species??) to arrive there, is: a Unique aka 'unprecedented' massive growth of Consciousness
..throughout most-all of us perps, currently infesting an endangered Nest, one daily filling-up with more Shit (physical, mental and ego/Greed-inspired.) Doubtless there are categories I too dense to include, off-hand.

tl;dr ever hammers at our daily quest for *nix compression of all human mouth-noises (but I digress,)

ie Be Careful about what you wish-for, as.. sometimes just One mere, in-Depth-glance at the magnitude/layers and er, Consequences
of 24/7 unAwareness of [ us + our cohorts ] has led to voluntary discorporation amidst the Sensitive ... within our tribes and their mobs.

But Do ... keep Trying. Sometimes just One well-digested koan--has gotten Legs; has created actual progress in small pockets ...
then, much later-on: people wondered HTF !? we'd Missed-that, ever-since the cave-days.


Carrion (we Can find better-food than that)
Unless a one believes that, Liff is like a shit-sandwich: the more bread ya gots, the less Shit ya gots to eat.