Thanks again for your assistance to Patty, eons ago,, when she shlepped home her new eMachine, from here.
Got no chops re. your project, but naturally give it all a +11; it's said best by my sole bumper sticker evah!

Real Men Rescue Cats

(Well dogs, rabbits amphibians, hummingbirds ...)

Sent a couple bucks to achsohio: tit for tat (and puddy-tats)
You might want to look at the display re Donate via PayPal
The 'description box' (of 'item ordered' er, not really applicable) overlaps the $___ area.
So I just filled-in the amount [box] below/no sweat, but it might be daunting to the punctilious..

Pass on Congrats, please: they just passed 100 YEARS of cleaning-up behind thoughtless humans.
IMBook: these are the Real 'unsung' Hero(ine)s.
