and maybe many others--they live for more Power thus $$ and care little about hearts/minds.
But some billionaires do make noises that suggest they Can think/act long-term (especially for having seen how Ronnie's homilies galvanized then and in successive generations)

After Power.. and gold-plated toilets, what's next? Immortality. er, Win.. Big!
I do 'worry' about these surplus-billions (Rmoney spent a pittance of his absconded Net Worth for that try..)
We are on the verge of highly-automated transmutations from 'data' to tests of algorithms for persuasion; increasing (finally useful) brain comprehension is happening.

As 1984 was a 'Tocsin' for (one assortment of predictable dangers, synthesized half a century ago) I think we had better pay Attention to: the now inchoate
Means.. (and Ends) looming. Some people Will Be paying that attention/with more $B to implement--than were dreamt of in our popular ..aging dystopian works.

Bread and Circuses 2020 style? it's not that far away.
(Maybe we'll both 'See' ?)

Ed: oTyp