
Dropped into Daily Kos to peruse an interesting title, How Politics, Racism and Facebook Ended My 16 Year Friendship

Tis the Season for family reunions / or Wars--and there seem to be a great many of the latter discussed here.
We're often pondering how-it-IS that Fox seduces the reptile-brain in now, about a plurality of the population.
Always the Question arises: Is this any other than brainwashing??

Whether you just scan the Title piece or read it all, note the variety of concisely-told stories,
especially in the first 15-25 responses and ... the implications.
I spy: some <DRL>synchronicity</DRL> here, or an improbable-array of colluders in that thread.

There's little poop flinging, if any: these folks are on the horns-of-a-dilemma and there is a common-thread in each's guesstimate of
the Source of a transformation (often 'polar') within people/family members known for years or a lifetime.
One poster likens the 'process' to the Nazi's massively effective focus upon the same fears, inner-doubts and imaginations of all
--amidst the crumbling of the Wiemar (so very like the crumbling of any 'faith' in vulture-capitalism du jour.)

Thus: blongs >Here<
as these are forces for Jung, Adler and The Doors of Perception-grade ruminations.
Throw in the significant %pop still fighting the Civil War, the fact that monumental-greedheads remain on the ascension as we speak
... and that $B are being spent on disinformation re Planetary woes, and towards muddling all the local problems as well:
via Göbbels-perfected methodology.

And What Recipe are we seeing well-along into its bake-cycle?
(the ingredients already $$bought, measured and mixed) Hmmm?

Cheney, bin-Laden and Murdoch ... ALLIES? ... is that a book-title or a ticket to Guantanamo?

Carrion. (maybe part of a similar recipe? for creating serfdom + its Ruler-class.)