.. as (everywhere in the world that I can see) "sport" has long ceased to be about the er "development of 'a sound mind in a sound body'" and has become 99.9%:

The marketing of transitory "teams" which move from one locale to the other - depending upon which Corporation can seduce some local township into building the most palatial palace FREE! for their entirely Profit-driven 'sport'. Allegiances than coalesce around the new mercenaries -- and everyone gets to call them Our Team. Yay!

Corporate non-ethic has become Our non-ethic. I note the fol-de-rol surrounding Soccer (Football) locally; it is no longer unusual to read of attacks by parents upon referees! in the US. Several deaths have occurred. (I am not making this up) So I ask: if.. the very idea of sportsmanship (as a worthy sort of behavior to inculcate in the young?) has now reached that level that one 'daleross' averred in a stupid Windoze thread eons ago:

"..if it's legal it's ethical" (??)

Then as to Corporate Ferrari and its Corporate 'Team' - what was your question again?


ie Yes of course I agree with your complaint! It is plain fucking Ugly.. what brain-dead 'parents' are doing to US kids (the only ones close by) in the name of "sports" == mainly if not solely! for parent ego-gratification of the shallowest Bizness-level of thought. Both genders of parent, I hasten to add. Some parents of 'loosers' continue their browbeating of Their Own Kid\ufffd long after.. s/he failed to *Conquer* (prompting at least one suicide of which I am aware).

We are driving Ourselves nutzo methinks -- with idiotic ideas of "competitiveness" 24/7 and the Billy-style of ethicsfree rationalizations all round.

(I wonder if I'd find a similar bunch of BS, were I to get it together for a trip to the Isle of Man for the TT races.. again?? :(

Damn! I was *lucky* to experience some of the Good stuff before it was turned into pure Corporate Di$neyland Shit..