First re suitable punishment for lascivious predators:

Good news - looks as if the EUROs will be running a much tighter ship than the leaky scow of the USDOJ re The Beast. No more hiding the detritus - cleanse it. And show us.

Bad news - looks as if they will be taking sweet time in sharpening the Guillotine blade - though they could hardly waste as much time as the DOJ, even if they correspond by carrier pigeon.

[link||John Lettice - EURO]


Say Bye-Bye to &*%)*$& HailStorm and maybe even Passport - if'n ya can translate Allchin-weaselspeak into any kind of a prognosis.

[link||Er.. it's for an Intranet.. Yeah that's it! Ya don't gotta talk to M$ ay'tall..]

It sure looks like.. disarray, but then didn't the entire .NET wetdream look like that? And nary a word about.. Trusted Computing - The Really-Trustworthy New Version (the one with no M$ involvement whatsoever?)

OK it's too early to gloat but -- when do we get to?