that 'Econ' was some sort of legitimate-Science.. (and I hear that:) with hardly any rebuttal via 'framing' of another sort of definition
--A playbook largely about Gaming the (any..) System in order to extract as much personal profit possible by the use of obscurant 'legal' massage-verbiage,
but mainly via deliberately arcane/obtuse 'financial explanations'
--not Only from the hedge-fund originators but especially: by one's Employer and its cohorts..

Noted the 'trained Economist'.. slack-jawed as he inventories the
[En Español: morditas=="little bites", common phrase for sops/bribes to local Cops, on many occasions/not just for Turistas.]
PLUS: the Power of that portentous exponential equation, i = i0 x e kt
Imagine if.. modern graphics displays of many such relevant phenomena had arrived in schools a couple decades ago (plus Stats! really taught with such aids--in HS) eh?

Given our common innumeracy (elide suspected %dumbth ... if we can?)) of a probable majority: clearly not all of the Shitty financial advice is premeditatedly bogus.
But combined with the mentation of the 'average' in number-competence plus the ethics-free behavior of corporations
(by definition) thus their consequent sociopathic mindset--as exempts them from even rudimentary conscience..
Given all that , I'd say that Millions of ordinary/reasonably-savvy Muricans ARE in Deep Shit.
Pity that a similar presentation shall not appear anywhere but PBS--everyone needs to ponder this-all. In-between truss ads.

(Will the realization of that-all feed the necessary Revolution against Vulture-capitalism--via all cleverest means extant)
--or merely precipitate a vast increase in the (already rampant/oft drug-treated) National clinical-depression status??
Wouldn't the 0.01% Like. To. Know. I wot..

What an unprecedented Clusterfuck: the entire mere-possibility! of maybe.. 'retirement' IF.. fucking-Lucky.

PS: Here, following the above lugubrious dirge was, The Joy of Stats [statistics, that is]
Some graphs, likely (I wot) copped from the methods of the great Tufte!
Loved the visual presentation re. £Billions for this & that: and to-scale: the £3 ... ... re 'Global Warming' and the 'bubbles'
--portraying the Lot of nations from '48-->on.

May the IGM be On Top of this-all, as we gots cuth, skepticism and are all ...... above average.

: oTyp