This touches many nerves for me. Oh to be a fly on the wall in the board rooms of Discovery Communications, Inc., and communicate a horrible disease to the executives that changed TLC, Discovery, History, and Science into steaming piles of crap.

Me? I want the secrut Home-fone# of any/all these Suited-slackers:
So I can call, at my enterprising-Hour of say, 3 AM--their time--and Thank Each One for how nicely they have simplified my liff by giving-back My Choice of Quality or Nothing.

Thing is, a couple years back, at neighbor's I saw the Old Discovery, History offerings, and another; the sea battle against the Japanese massive whale-killing factories
(under the lying-rubric of 'Research'.) 'Action' it was, but Real action-to-a-Purpose. Etc. :-/

Need a new Institute 'Chair' today: The Technology of unVarnished Greed--and How to subvert it
Advanced [Law] Course: And How to Try the Perps who Misuse The Public's Airwaves/Media Channels.

(First drafts--we can make those slicker and HARSHER.) If. We. Will.


Even the bitchin Weather Underground got bought-up by the Banal Weather Channel--apparently a Den-of-Thieves (Ad-Men: same thing.)
So far.. you can still get decent sci+ probabilities re. the Disaster of the Week in Climate Change, but I expect those blogs to soon carry Twinkie™ ads with dancing hippopotami.

(And that's not even Tee Vee!)