Seems to me that a shared-idiosyncrasy? (make that: fatal-mindset, then) was Adolf's and Unca Joe's Red Queen's fondness for, Off With Their Heads!..
Both unWorthies shot-feet all the way off via repeated purges of this n'that military (and Other) hierarchy.
Nothing like having barely-'experienced' commanders trying to deal with the routine Emergencies--something which One's Own life can resolve quickly.
Not to mention those always unique situations, for which you must Imagine-well, synthesizing from the old stuff too.

(Well, that they were also psychopaths ... explains most things, but this is a specifically-shared guaranteed-loser, I wot.)

Is there a 'moral'?
Starters: The ONLY person who should be delegated great-Power: should accept same only after
successive/(sincere--goes without saying) declining of the post.
Yeah: GW comes to mind, but then.. if he's the Only one? and none-other lives today: I see ... Doom.
Because we never/ever grok-to-fullness (all the wise things.)
But we knew that.

Ed: oTyp