word, anyway. What we have in Murican lingo is - mere Language Murder, with 'reactionaries' masquerading as 'conservatives'; mere 'moderates' labelled as 'liberals' yada yada. Right/Left is as meaningless as Up/Down, here.

You don't know that any one's self-label means til they explain what they think they mean by it. The present muddle means - infinite shouting matches of the Black/White polarization, encouraged by the Corporate-owned newsfotainment industry:

When your point is obscure just.. baffle 'em with BS, wave the flag and .. pout.

As to Ariana.. since she dumped the smarmy (and opportunistic) toad Huffington, whose name she retains - she appears to have grown in the direction of adulthood, and dropped the banal sloganeering.. mostly. Whatever she is - IMhO she ain't stupid.
