;DR (except to see its about the lovely thing I love to hate)

Windows API, nice.

People will never learn, even when you show them. Why bother, I see people using IE v6 on their WindowsXP machines because they saw a newer version on a friends machine and were told it screwed something up... so don' let it upgrade.

Oh and what about those that still do not have auto-fetch of patches turned on... because they read sometime in the mid 2000s that you can't trust Microsoft and have to approve all the upgrades yourself *ONLY*.

Like they have the ability to comprehend what is going on, read the KB and judge if its a good thing. Heck, there are people asking me how to get the Certificate Warnings from their bank having an unrecognized Certificate Authority/Issuer, because they haven't updated the Certificate store in 5+ years.

Yeah, whatever.

edit: stupid stray mouse click...