and shrugging off anything that shreds the Constitution. I think he's right. I think Bush was wrong when he bypassed the FISA court (and more).

I recall arguing that the FISA court was essential in this type of process - http://forum.iwethey...iwt?postid=265382

How were peoples's constitutional rights violated in the Baltimore example?

I don't find "slippery slope" arguments persuasive.

Simon makes some very good points in his comments to readers. His blog software seems to be broken, but

David Simon says:
June 8, 2013 at 1:58 am

Yes, well. By that logic any government that attempts to assert itself in any way on behalf of any utilitarian goal can and should be resisted. After all, it will eventually misuse whatever power it is granted. Congratulations, you have made an argument for liberty without responsibility. In the end, nothing viable or worthy is achieved without a balance between those two attributes.

He's good at this. :-)

