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New Yes.
There are a couple of camps with flagged guidelines in them.

There are at least a few people sitting in chairs. A few standing and pointing and a couple laying on the ground looking like they are relaxing.
PGP key 1024D/B524687C 2003-08-05
Fingerprint: E1D3 E3D7 5850 957E FED0 2B3A ED66 6971 B524 687C
Collapse Edited by folkert Jan. 13, 2013, 01:17:15 AM EST
There are a couple of camps with flagged guidelines in them.
PGP key 1024D/B524687C 2003-08-05
Fingerprint: E1D3 E3D7 5850 957E FED0 2B3A ED66 6971 B524 687C
Expand Edited by folkert Jan. 13, 2013, 01:18:58 AM EST
New I'd heard about traffic jams on the face, but wow

New It's getting to be a bit of a shithole, apparently.
Relatively speaking, of course. There's a big problem with litter.

Not to mention the 120-odd dead bodies that are dotted around the mountain.
New Looks awfully rocky. Sleeping must be a challenge.
Neato though!

     Everest in 2 billion pixels - (dmcarls) - (5)
         There any people in there for scale? -NT - (drook) - (4)
             Yes. - (folkert) - (3)
                 I'd heard about traffic jams on the face, but wow -NT - (drook) - (1)
                     It's getting to be a bit of a shithole, apparently. - (pwhysall)
                 Looks awfully rocky. Sleeping must be a challenge. - (Another Scott)

...and the President was unfortunately subjected to public opinion.
37 ms