- when the courts have ceased to be the guardians of individual rights of the powerless, then citizen lawsuits are a waste of energy. As the USSC has demonstrated its Corporation orientation, already the question is moot.

So we must exploit the Games-loving quality of the Murican demographic:

Squads of folks equipped with bug-scanners meet.. periodically. When they notice a bug, it is reinstalled on the car of some local honcho - police Chief, Mayor whatever. Then beers all around, before the next bug-hunt of the evening. Citizenship in action, cameraderie against a common foe: the Terminally Nosy.

Factoids from Lani: ~1985, California spent 2\ufffdX as much on education as on prisons. By mid '90s: about equal; trend continuing as CA spends more on new prison consruction: In a period (I lost #s) - ONE new State college created.. 12? 14 new prisons. Prison guards start at $51K/yr. Tenured (State college) profs. start at $41K/yr. Yada. Yada.

(Ditto - the new Tee Vee surveillance cameras, located up-high - so as to watch any mischief done to: the lower-down ones which are accumulating them dossiers n'stuff.!. [gotta love recursion]. Better more accurate paint-ball guns are obviously a Bizness Opportunity here)

We Must Be As Honest With Our Government As Our Government Is With Us

(Sung to, Hail Columbia - with refrain by the altos.)

Ashton Spectrum-Analysis for the Masses Ltd.
In concert with: The Edja-Cay-Shun US pResident