(rant type="raging lunatic fringe")

What the hell.

Same old bullshit. Privs in Linux are separated. Don't install *SHIT* unless you *KNOW* *AND* *ARE* *SURE* *THE* *SOFTWARE* *IS* *TRUSTED*.

Don't just install any old CRAP.

Don't just install any old CRAP.

Don't just install any old CRAP.

Don't just install any old CRAP.

I PURPOSELY have a "user" on my Linux machine I use just for these kinds of things. Browsing "questionable" websites and other deep dark areas you don't want to talk about... And no, not porn or related to porn! Porn and porn related is a subject left for another post/rant, but not today!

Well, so what... that user has about 300 malware in its browsing cache... I don't care, its not hurting anything. Its completely separated. I just get how and why people are such idiots.

Plus this particular malware, if successful in duping the intended user, "appends" itself to rc.local. As mentioned in the comments... Debian blows that one out of the water with an "exit 0" before the appended stuff.

I mean *REALLY*? Come on. SIMPLE.

Try that on Windows, an "exit 0" mitigating a malware... Windows doesn't *WORK* like that. EVERY USER is a mixed privilege user, unless they are an Administrator. EVERY USER has *some* super powers in Windows. Its just the way Microsoft made the Kernels and Design of the Operating System, with the mixing of Rings of Operation/Security. STILL TO THIS DAY IN WINDOWS8 (ARM or X86)... It is *STILL* this way. Devices and Applications running in Ring 0 http://en.wikipedia....mputer_security)# ***

Microsoft should just adopt a Linux Distribution and not futz with Operating Systems Design and just let real OS designers do the "grown up work." I'm so over this crap.

PCI Compliance has SOOOOO opened my eyes, even more than I was painfully aware, about the sad state of Windows. It isn't getting any better either. The more Microsoft shores up Windows in one place, the more attention is placed on places they've missed or regressed in. And since its such a HUGE target for them to cover and them ALWAYS "innovating"... yeah, regression, "features" and apathy work wonders in allowing the OS to be compromised.

But then, you have the HUMAN component, Windows doesn't handle that well at all, since the Human is "empowered" by the OS with mixed privileges (some kind of SUPER POWERS are required to even login). It is disgusting...


*** Specifically good examples of Quotes directly from Microsoft's published works:



Also, Alpha and MIPS, only supporting Kernel and User modes? AHHHH, no... Alpha supported more, as did MIPS. I mean DAMN, they were the platforms *UNIX* was developed on fer chrissake! Such lying bastards, to excuse things... and "Most General Operating Systems" obviously they mean Windows.
