Roy Moore, forever known as Alabama’s Ten Commandments judge, has been re-elected chief justice in a triumphant political resurrection after being ousted from that office nearly a decade ago.
Rather depressing that this unconstitutional joker managed to get reelected after being ejected from office for refusing to obey a federal court order.

Moore still maintains the federal judge’s order was unlawful and that he should not have followed it. But he has promised he will not return the Ten Commandments when he returns to the court. Moore said the issue was never about a monument but about the “acknowledgement of God.”
Yep, he still doesn't even understand why what he did was wrong. It will be somewhat interesting to see if he keeps his head down this time or he gets himself ejected again. I'm guessing he will avoid doing anything that will get him ejected this time, but will still put forth a lot of rulings that will get overturned.