'It' is indeed about keeping some pathways Open.. via intelligent >premeditation<
(however arduous: yet doable In Future IF.. someone wants that sort of info (enough!) for purposes yet unconceived.

Lead paint example is excellent; medicine is Such a reactionary pseudo-science.. and MDs are crammed full of latin names during that 4?-year cram-course 24/7.
(They end-up so often, >next< "diagnosing" some non-specific-itis == We Haven't a Clue, etc.)

[rhetorical question]
Even today: how l o n g shall. it. take. for the autopsy on the Greed Heads most directly-responsible for the Las Vegas Bets LOST??
--but *NOT* 'lost'* (in continuous profits) to the actual Perps whose arrant knavery merely enriched them further?

'Course they Own the mass media; wonder what-possibly that might have to do with ...?
the water-cooled shredders and other burials of incriminating evidence ... surely the macerating of important e-mails, docs etc. As we speak.

We are so corrupt that the micro-Cheney unit is irrelevant--we need the Mega-Cheney to capture the full measure of our lie-based self-modifying 'history' machine.

(Irrelevant to topic, of course: you speak of easing the work of cultural anthropologists yet to come; they concern themselves -hourly- with covering all the Greed-tracks possible.)
Immanent corruption in the species transliterates to guaranteed infinite loopholes in the fabrication of 'governance' rulez. Wash, rinse..
DAMN how we LIE/always Have Lied) to our kids. I recall this civics course..

No wonder there's an appetite for speed, coke, weed, etc.
ANYoldTHING to escape some/any! deep, emotional Awareness of the actual nature of today's maya.
[Thanx , Sanskrit!, for some timeless words with fucking-Clear Referents which can't be spun by your daily Masters of Cupidity]
==ie Don't even Try! Mr. Candidate Rmoney.. ... but you Will.

Rest Case: We're Fucked. Relax and enjoy the soap opera, though for you'unses with kinder?
sincere condolences, all things considered. Fortunately for them is that they have a great capacity for Hope, which is never a bad thing. The best shall carve out an oasis amidst the madness. It ain't Götterdammerung, by a long shot: that mindset is reserved only for those who expected continuing infinite Consumption of everything. Heh..