There's two sides to the Android marketshare question. Firstly, individual OEMs don't give two shits about "Android" marketshare; they only care about "HTC" or "Samsung" marketshare. This is the difference when talking about iOS vs. Android: every iOS sale is money in the bank for Apple, but every Android sale isn't money in the bank for a called "Android".

Secondly, who is actually making any money out of Android?

Google don't even list it as an item in their results, which is pretty damning. HTC and Samsung are doing okay-ish, LG are fucked, Motorola Mobility got bought by Google (but were fucked), Sony Ericsson have split, Nokia and RIM aren't doing Android (except RIM, who sort of are, on the Playbook, but it's not 100% compatible, so let's say they're not); who does that leave?

Hard numbers:

1. Apple continue to hoover up more than half the profits of the entire mobile phone (note, not smartphone, phone) market.
2. Microsoft will get paid somewhere between $500M and $1B this coming year. For Android sales.
3. Apple's iPhone business is bigger than Google. All of Google.

No iPhone has ever been out in the cold relative to the current revision of the OS within two years.

Asymco's AMP Index and supporting data show just how much of an 800lb gorilla Apple is.

I don't think Motorola will magically be able to create compelling handsets just because Google bought them. The Android handset market is a desperate, volatile place: at the high end, it's a continuous arms race to produce the lightest, thinnest phone with the fastest processor, the biggest screen, the most storage. And then to do it all over again six months later, only to see whatever sales figures any particular handset achieves get shat all over by the latest iPhone. At the bottom end, it's a vicious dogfight with razor-thin margins on handsets that cost £100 retail.

It's really fascinating; it's almost as if the companies involved can't make any serious money at it, but they can't afford not to try.


Apple Results. iPhone revenue $13.3B (total revenue $28.5B)

Google Results. Overall revenue $9.7B.