~ that, however elegant our deductive intellectual processes, the "emotional center" / heart whatever - learns by a different process and few of us develop much communication betweeen these er centers (some metaphors are better than others ;-) I believe the word 'Reason' indicates that rarity: use of both mind & heart - not just $$.

When Success becomes defined as accumulation of lots of stuff and especially: More than anyone else nearby! that's an emotional center infantile drive being pandered to. Many work in those Corps, however little they share of the humongous profits of the 3% (ditto often for even the so-called stockholders, who also abrogate their at least conceivable.. sway over the idiotic CIEIO salaries and other self-serving Parachutes) So it's not obvious that the root cause of the overall nonsense derives ~from the same Corp as nanny / and as actual Owner-run government of all. Hell, many still believe there's such a thing as a er "free market"! (usually spelled Market" - as in a Deity). Can ya believe That ??

So I suppose you're describing a now ingrained cultural affliction whereby, many who 'know' better - operate just day-to-day.. just trying to feel-good: Gawd knows there's enough stuff to be bought to feed That illusion. Ergo.. it seems True: Knowing is NOT Enough!


Yeah I used to think that, too. Seemed so unarguable an idea, y'know? :(