There is a lot I miss about my old Church.

But I was taught (mostly by said Church) that you simply don't participate in organizations that are doing certain things, even if the organization is doing other things you like, even if you like the organization, even if you agree with its general ideas. The organization they were talking about was the IRA, but defending conspiracies to enable child rapists is on the same moral page as terrorism.

If I were to throw my cash in the basket, it would be contributing to a fund that is used to defend the bishops who kept pedophiles from being prosecuted or even kept away from more children. I could show the actual pedophiles some mercy - they acted out of sickness, weakness in the face of temptation. But the bishops, they acted from a place of strength, coldly placing reputation and collegial loyalty before duty to the weak and innocent. And they still don't even understand their sin. I got a form letter from my bishop asking for donations a few weeks ago. The bishop talked about the damage those bad, bad priests had done. But it wasn't the bad priests. Every organization that puts adults and children together is confronted by the fact that some of those adults are bad. The question is, what does the organization do about it? And screw the kids more isn't the right answer.