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New Harrill is ...
... a fucking moron.

"Clearly, there was some political or social agenda here."

Clearly you don't know who the fuck did it or why. Stop speculating, jackass.

New Re: Harrill is ...
I have no doubt that the placement of the device was entirely random, and utterly unconnected with either the date or the planned march. Nothing to see here. Move along to look at my Florida real estate.
New John Hinckley
Assassinating a sitting president "clearly" has a political motive. Except when it doesn't.

New It is a political act anyway
Same as if I got drunk and mistook a voting booth for a porta-pottie and voted by accident.

Motives are complicated things even with sane people. Were the Crusades religious, economic, political, or insane?

If I scream "kill! kill! kill!" until the loonies start killing people, does the fact that the loonies aren't really following my political argument excuse me?
I think it's perfectly clear we're in the wrong band.
(Tori Amos)
New Re: John Hinckley
Can we have some other examples of successful or attempted assassinations of officeholders or candidates that involved impressing Jodie Foster?
New No... you should be thankful you got one!*
Why would you need more?*

*Yes... we are aware.
New Or how about this
One counterexample is enough to disprove the idea that we can assume a motive.

New How is that an example?
Hinkley's motive wasn't coherently political, but he didn't pick Reagan at random, and he didn't pick him because he thought Ms. Foster would be impressed by the murder of a retired actor.

If we found out that Reagan ran for President in order to try to impress his Mom and just went with whatever political agenda he thought would work, would that make his legacy not political? Let's not even get into W and daddy issues.

My first real tech job, the founder started the company in order to impress a stripper named Pam. Does that mean that starting the company was not an economic act? Pam was non impressed, by the way, and died of a heroin overdose. She was replaced by another stripper also named Pam, who also was not impressed.
I think it's perfectly clear we're in the wrong band.
(Tori Amos)
New was his name tony?
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New Joe.
I think it's perfectly clear we're in the wrong band.
(Tori Amos)
New "John W. Hinckley for President"
"He's had a shot at the man—Let's give him a shot at the job!"
New Too much! (or not enough...) T. Pratchett ;^>
     Bomb found at Spokane MLK parade - (lincoln) - (18)
         here, have a free link - (boxley) - (3)
             buildings don't move - (lincoln)
             I think this says it all - (crazy) - (1)
                 yup - (boxley)
         must be sarah palin and glenn's fault. -NT - (beepster) - (1)
             Well, it wasn't Clinton, so who else to blame? -NT - (Andrew Grygus)
         Harrill is ... - (drook) - (11)
             Re: Harrill is ... - (rcareaga) - (10)
                 John Hinckley - (drook) - (9)
                     It is a political act anyway - (mhuber)
                     Re: John Hinckley - (rcareaga) - (7)
                         No... you should be thankful you got one!* - (folkert)
                         Or how about this - (drook) - (3)
                             How is that an example? - (mhuber) - (2)
                                 was his name tony? -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                                     Joe. -NT - (mhuber)
                         "John W. Hinckley for President" - (rcareaga) - (1)
                             Too much! (or not enough...) T. Pratchett ;^> -NT - (Ashton)

> I can't quite tell the difference latterly between IWT and an encounter group moderated by Livia Soprano.
81 ms