to the script-kiddies, as I have no way of [quickly!] assessing if this admin/Group change is trivial in execution, or fraught with the usual Gotchas which iggerance produces. Let them re-do install + the entire xfer if that's the only script they've memorized.

(I have the L. Missing Manual version, natch): the sample text on Pogue's Snow-modded opus looks good ... as general ref. Thought I could augment the orig. Leopard tome with O'Reilly's Mac OS X Snow L. Pocket Guide (Chris Seibold)). But it's too minimalist for any problem solving -- and TMI for the non-tech.
{{Sigh}} another telephone directory, when what you Want is HAL-9000.

I also need to find out which Beastware-mode movie-player is the latest non-destructive add-in. And confirm that there's (still) no alternative to getting Adobe='mud-literally' installed. She will be watching videos.

There's a 'Dr. Mac' service around, at $90ish a pop. But this is a store FUBAR and they Shall do it right or she Will return it (and probably buy elsewhere or on-line.) Going back to Beast ... is not an option. This time I have to go along with her.. Oh well.