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New Nicely done Wakeup Call, this article.
Does not the word inevitable need to precede it, though?

As to the 'wiped HD'.. and NOT taking an axe to (each separate platter before torching same.. if possible) One 'erase' !?!ONE111 -- is ALL? Lovely destruction-planning, ~~ Greenspan-grade.

The 320 million-sheep problem seems just as inevitable as all imaginations of convoluted de- re- and hyper- encryption for all State, Military and similar ... likely beginning with all US financial transactions (incl. 'consumer'.)
Maybe most folks just imagined that this process would/could! be phased-in over many years (my guess.)
But that Wakeup Call actually came on April Fools Day nearly ten years ago.

WTF were these NAS-et-al suckers thinking of ... since?? Obv. after 8 Years of Shrub incompetence, that gave Obama only the last two, to fit-in that little Revolution (amidst the trivialities of a Repo-looted Econ and a few other things.)

There seems no end to the variety of critical matters unravelling simultaneously.
(Nothing surprises any more, of course. Well, maybe: actually living within a Certifiable 'dystopia'?)

New degaussers are your friend
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
     Seymour Hersh: About that incident with China and the EP-3E. - (Another Scott) - (4)
         One weird thing here... - (scoenye) - (1)
             It does sound like there was a pretty big flaw somewhere. - (Another Scott)
         Nicely done Wakeup Call, this article. - (Ashton) - (1)
             degaussers are your friend -NT - (boxley)

He poops from his butt.
31 ms