As a massage therapist, I get exposed to this stuff far too much.

Leave it to me to take up one of the few professions where a reasonably operational BS detector is a liability. And where men face heavy discrimination.

I'm skipping a business class this morning of the link. I just couldn't face the BS.

Oh, yea, and then this:
"(btw, Tarcher was married to Shari Lewis, so it's possible that the ontological devolution we've been exploring here, lo these many years now, was a plot hatched by Lambchop."

When I was little, Lambchop scared the hell out of me. I'm talking really little, but also actual screaming running and hiding terror. Have an aunt not much older than me with a hand puppet, and she didn't help. Since then, she's become a very dear relative (I think the turnaround was when she taught me how to open a screen door with my foot while riding a bike) but at the time... So maybe I was right, maybe Lambchop was EEEVUL!