Lucky 7?

Should so vastly improbable a sequence of events begin, here; one which could be no less than a Murican Epiphany - we could then address the mischief Right Here in River City -- via the local hegemony of the 1-3% and their Corporate instruments of maintaining and extending their insane share of the entire Nation's 'wealth'.

Conversely and if - as is more likely - the military budget expands as noted and all the various local Wars on Citizens (under various rubrics) continue unabated.. via more Ashcrofting of the rights of citizens:

He has also described just where we are heading. We can watch the dominoes fall, hear the blab-Jingo speeches as will accompany each new outrage [meanwhile fighting over prayers in schools or airports - and other planned distractions to keep the flock feeding quietly at the mall].

Thanks Mike, sanest screed I've encountered since 9/11. And.. what can I do to get him elected to Something ?? Didn't see any ref. on the CounterPunch topic list - is it there somewhere?


..there may be intelligent life in the universe, after all.