The girls like playing flash games. They're not really good about only using the left mouse button. Some of the games hang the browser if you click the right mouse button. So after a bit of research to find the magic incantation, then another bit of research to make it generic, I've got this little script to disable / enable the #2 and #3 mouse buttons.
#! /bin/bash

while getopts ":ke?" Option
	case $Option in
		k     ) xinput set-button-map "Acrox USB & PS/2 Mouse" 1 0 0;;
		e     ) xinput set-button-map "Acrox USB & PS/2 Mouse" 1 2 3;;
		?     ) echo "
Modify mouse buttons
-k	kill right and middle mouse buttons
-e	enable right and middle mouse buttons
-?	display usage
		*     ) echo "Unimplemented option chosen.";;   # DEFAULT