-- from the way-back machine:


Link was part-response to a naive query, in a non-IT venue ~~ Why youse guys so mean to Redmond {sniff} ?

Makes a splendid accompaniment to the fine summaries of The Beast at aaxnet. Nothing new to us jaded and informedly-pissed ones; just another example of measured dudgeon sans expletives. Saves (more) breath, when a naif goes all weepy about such stuff and you have better things to do than to explain what IS is.

*Remember Ed Curry

* But note, too:
Google, "Ed Curry" NT security developer bankrupted by Microsoft

Gets 6 hits.

(And, of course - IWETHEY appears to be deleted from Google's massive dbase, apparently deemed to be among the Disappeared? [Desapparacidos] ... or there might have been a dozen(?) hits.

Data-loss == History-loss == elects GW Bushes and kills puppies.