The crappy recycled-plastic printer residing in my basement, somehow acquired by my neighbor -- did pass its test-print == mechanically worked.
Then I looked on CD at what it wanted to INSTALL (forget how many MB, but HUGE) -- merely to see if it would print something you Wanted to print, Not wanting to next have to Remove the thousands of detritus bits to be left in any available Beast-machine here [certainly-NOT the Reliable-old-P-III] I demurred.

Then I checked 'reviews' of the model:
all those apparently from literate folk (those who could spel n'stuff) observed first, its `rattly-sounding' noises when printing, its frequent paper jams and ... there was ~unanimity: "might be OK for occasional small printing jobs.." (Thus confirming my brilliant perceptions.)

(Was sorry I opened the -- probably 'trial-size' == USELESS ink reservoirs, before bundling-up the sucker for some sort of disposal.)

The Vulture Capitalists appear to have taught the whole mass of sheep:
Hey! don't expect this stuff to work very well or very long, nor cavil about INK costing $10,000/liter.
Who Else ya gonna buy from, besides WalHPDepotMart, eh, Sucker?

(We're busy.. inventing CDOs:we don't Do engineering!)

Fucked Country via an army of fucked-bizness Suits.

Reminds me of 'Brazil', was it? the A/C guy battling the giant mass of accordioned tubes in a closet, etc.
I think ... we're about There. Already.