Polygons.. linear.. er, Fractals - I have no idea how theories have progressed from (the Original: Game of Life IIRC.) The comments of fellow-toilers indicates: A Lot.

Given that the ref. model was a known object - I guess it's more about clever algorithms / quite less about 'evolution', as suggested by respondents.

(Now if we could just get a few of the better-educated Econ-types to set aside their diff. eqns. -- that aren't telling them Zippo about er, Unusual Situations -- to start seeding a few What-Ifs + guesstimates of how the Consumer Mind functions ... just maybe Econ could finally rise a bit from the level of owl-entrails divinination.)

I'd bet a few hundred that, in 10 years or so -- $$ models will be more akin to this exercise and not much like current linear-think. Wonder if Lloyds will take that bet.

Next: from a fingerprint, attempt to construct the probable visage.