Hmmm... heard one of your brethren t'other night - hope not the same snowy-white barn owl who managed to get self down chimney onto the damper shelf, years back (they're supposed to be Smarter than to do that twice.)

His/her? freakout then: my chance, (with some lore via phone from local animal rescue) to see a massive wingspan unfurled in living room. Already told that story, but recap: with wings spread, no Way to get out the door! / porch light was only illumination, for an exit guide.

At last moment, inches from doorway, she pulled in wings, sailed thru doorway on momentum.. lost a tad of altitude, yet neatly skimmed the front porch steps and disappeared ... as if all in a day's maneuvers.


Owls - smarter than your average Presyudent