tawdry slogans - uttered by [link|http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/004013.php| David Iglesias].

How appropriate, as I look outside at the missing-moon just now: Total Eclipse.
May the phenom symbolize the waning days of this lunatic Monstrous Regiment \ufffd T. Pratchett

(Sorry, Texans - but billions of people will be imagining that too-many of you are just like these pathetic empty suits (abetted by Crawford's environs - allegedly looking a lot like a moonscape?)
Not fair, of course -- but then, nobody did bother to slime the compound, either.

As for Alberto-the-Lesser: may he sleep fitfully, always wondering when -??- that subpoena might arrive, even from This gutless bunch. Maybe it's safer for them to pile-on now.