I'm starting to figure out how to use [link|http://www.wxpython.org/|wxPython] to add GUI elements to some simple Python scripts I'm working on. It's a very nice interface to the [link|http://wxwidgets.org/|wxWidgets] GUI library. The Python distribution I'm using is [link|http://code.enthought.com/enthon/|Enthought's] as it seemed to have most everything I might be interested in all in one place.

Unfortunately, even with the [link|http://www.manning.com/rappin/|book], wxPython isn't the simplest thing to pick up if one has little experience with OO and event-driven programming. (Not having the time to really learn the language and toolkits doesn't help, of course.) As with most languages, it's much easier to get things done if you have a similar example to build upon. However, there seems to be little out there in the way of examples that I've been able to find. Yes, there's huge things like [link|http://downloads.osafoundation.org/chandler/releases/0.6.1/0.6.1_index.html|Chandler] and even [link|http://drpython.sourceforge.net/|DrPython's] plugin [link|http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=83074&package_id=120867&release_id=499555|SearchInFiles], but there seems to be little between them and [link|http://www.wellho.net/resources/ex.php4?item=y207/wxphello.py|wxphello] and simple [link|http://www.wellho.net/resources/ex.php4?item=y207/wx03_02.py|editors] (one of many examples out there). A lot of the tutorials and code examples out there are just fragments that can't really be cobbled together into working code without greater understanding of what wx is doing. Also, a lot of the examples out there use a coding style that has been [link|http://wiki.wxpython.org/index.cgi/wxPython_Style_Guide|deprecated or has other problems].

I found a nice package that illustrates several of real-life features that I found helpful: Using several frames, full menus with status-bar hints, an About box, several source files, etc.: [link|http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=148121&package_id=169895&release_id=485377|BBCalc]. On Windows, the source can be untar-gz'ed using [link|http://www.7-zip.org/|7-zip] if you don't already have such a tool. It's GPL code.

Does anyone else have any other favorites?
