My amygdala maintains a certain visceral reaction to "Newt's" voice perhaps related to my amphibian brain (get it... newt... hahahahahaha). As we come back to yet another election year (and as you may remember - I hate election years), I have decided that I will "pay attention" this time and, as a newly "engaged and politically savvy" holder of an MS in Leadership/IT, try to fight my knee-jerk Adalai response and perhaps actually vote for a live candidate. I haven't quite decided to join either the red or blue team yet, but can make one conclusive statement regarding this upcoming election. That statement being, "If there is a God that is as described in the Bible, and therefore; an anti-christ as described in Revelation, and that persona is revealed prior to the election and that persona runs against Hillary Clinton, the anti-he/she/it can count on my vote". It is really that simple...

YMMV. ;-)