this recap from [link|| The New Yorker]
Dismissing much of the received punditry about the red-blue divide, Frank argues that the problem is the "systematic erasure of the economic" from discussions of class and its replacement with a notion of "authenticity," whereby "there is no bad economic turn a conservative cannot do unto his buddy in the working class, as long as cultural solidarity has been cemented over a beer." The leaders of this backlash, by focussing on cultural issues in which victory is probably impossible (abortion, "filth" on TV), feed their base's sense of grievance, abetted, Frank believes, by a "criminally stupid" Democratic strategy of triangulation. Liberals do not need to know more about nascar; they need to talk more about money and class.
No. Shit!

While I shall likely miss Frank's well-informed humor, I believe I'm clear-enough about the effectiveness of leveraging religio-Issuez LOUDLY to keep attention well deflected from the non-stop Econ screwing, but it's on the library list.

Sadly, while the propaganda of a Rove and that whole gaggle of screamers is, by now a well understood psych process of manic repetition -- there appears to be no very good means of mindset alteration - except {SHOCK}. That's impractical, as a National! 'process'.

As goes Hypatia and that Library, so goes the mob in every corner and every age. Econ formulas soothe the lazy-imbiber, once the Belief in numbers-reflecting-Real Life becomes embedded in the credulous. Now we can mold jelloware ever so much quicker: instant refrigeration?

I always wondered if Marx ever grokked-at-all, the limited number of actual-readers who might suffer through an entire Dialectic, drag in Mr. Boole - and alter their consciousness, accordingly. I think he did not. And there wasn't even Tee Vee or Muzak around.

(I have no promising solution to the reforming of chilled jelloware molds, either. Pity we so love to conserve stasis.. rather than face that scary New angle of view.)