It's the "family values" stuff the Republicans are always
screaming about. That is why that particular behaviour
strikes a nerve. Each party has its hot button list
of political planks, and when they do something that
is opposed to the plank, they become fair game.

When Clinton got in trouble for Monica (and others),
you'll note that his supporters mostly said, "So?"
It's not like this behaviour was unknown, or unexepected.
He certainly didn't claim that his party was against this
behaviour, and that other people shouldn't do it, and
THEN did it anyway.

I think they key issue is we love to destroy hypocrites.

Especially ones that are in a position of creating laws that
affect how we can behave. We especially love to go after
them, since they are in a position to inflict their
bullshit on the rest of us. And the people who create
laws that impact interpersonal behaviour with a religious
foundation are almost always right wing republicans.

So, as far as your example with Bryant and other, yes,
politicians in general are scum, and yes, a certain subset
of them will be stealing from the public.

BUT: We expect that. No matter which party.

It is when some anti-business tree hugging democrat who
tries to champion a bunch of causes is found to own a
substantial amount of stock in Exxon-Mobil is what becomes
a problem. Not for offering blowjobs in the bathroom.
Because he was already expected to be doing that.