My take is that it is dangled out as a sop to The Farmily Valuez crowd: those who Know what You ought to be able to see - without pissing-off Gawd and stuff.

(No! NOT that the purveyors imagine the 'censor chip' could / would actually achieve that goal of censoring Everyone's souces.. They just imply that, *wink*...*nudge* as a gleam in the eyes of the preyer-ful - for future use?)

This way the bitch-slap, cop-eviscerating lyrics can still goose the faithful peer-pressure drones for $16US a pop WHILE the RIAA et al can seem to be er, tryin to clean this all up for the Righteous folk?

Of course too, all the above is irrelevant - so long as the pandered stuff is as vacuous and boring as 500 empty channels of Tee Vee: far as I know, no one has found any answer to the net decline of quality of content. I don't think any chip can correct that one.


who may have missed a few other ploys hidden within the claptrap that passes for "justifying censor chips"