that a writer employing "to pluck out" in just such an appropriate sentence, needs no further creds in the footnotes. (Bookmarked; such as they are, in my currently limp-home-mode file.) EB was author of the ringing phrase re "..if enough good men ... do nothing". Used by a later Burke in book title (below)

And in looking lazy-way for that contemporary ___? Burke, (who addressed similar questions back in the '60s - in yan treatise doomed to be read mostly by those least in need of his polished insights) did I stumble upon [link|| James F. Burke] serendipitously -

He, one-armed (!) cornet soloist with the Edwin Franko Goldman band; meeting him - their free concerts I attended in Central Park: in the days when a tyke could take the IND from Queens to there, unescorted, then return After Dark - without a single Glock or shiv in the knapsack.

Finally.. downstairs to the ding an sicht, book by Albert Burke, Enough Good Men A Way of Thinking. Pub 1962. Just for a little time-warp without the TARDIS --- the back blurb contains these Questions du jour:

What does the revolution in Cuba mean to the United States?

How can the Peace Corps be dangerous?

Are America's schools adequately preparing her youth for the challenging future?

Is the Soviet Union surpassing the United States in science, technology and automation?
[Never feare; on second thought ...]

How could the crisis that occurred in Laos have been avoided?

[Sob... Cubed]

Why is secrecy in science a dangerous threat to our future as a leading scientific power in the world>

1962, that is ...

Thanks - another literate blog.