My bottom desk drawer is full of various soups (chicken noodle, clam chowder, and so forth) that I eat maybe half the time. Just today (er I guess yesterday by now) I ate a Lipton beef noodle concoction, which was not bad. But it is damn hard to keep a salad in your desk drawer. :=)

The local Kroger has a salad bar that charges something like $3.00 a pound, and the trouble with lettuce and fixin's is that they aren't light. Might be low on calaries, but costs. Wendy's has a garden salad for $2.00, but when I go there I usually also get the baked potato for an additional $1.00.

Pity that the local Wendy's (and, apparently, most of them) have eliminated their salad bar. Makes me want to go a little further to go to some other place that might offer more gunk.