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New Hey - we were just exercisin'
>>> So then - I'm thinking of building a 666' model of RMS Titanic in the field...

Maybe your new ship (HMS Ashton) can be part of this:


"Dubai, 27 March (AKI) - The US navy has begun the biggest military exercises in the Persian Gulf since the start of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The manoeuvres involve two aircraft carriers and more than 100 combat aircraft involved in a mock attack along the coast of Iran. A total 10,000 personnel are involved."
[a bit more..]

New (I doubt that anyone in the WH can even spel 'sub-tul..')

     Madeleine Albright, Newt Gingrich on Charlie Rose - (Ashton) - (2)
         Hey - we were just exercisin' - (dmcarls) - (1)
             (I doubt that anyone in the WH can even spel 'sub-tul..') -NT - (Ashton)

Research conducted at the University of Oxford has proven conclusively that a cat on a table will inevitably push anything on it off the edge and onto the floor.

“The only obvious conclusion that we have been able to come to is that the Earth must be ball shaped, or cats would have pushed everything off the edge by now.”
31 ms