Interesting . . . (except for the dirty feeling one is left with, after any -even brief- immersion in the wacky world of Beastie enthsiasts.)

What a depressing sample assortment of Me-too blogs, feeding off each other.. all while realizing that this highly-Burnished Turd *shall* be evacuated upon the countless hapless victims of any new hdwre purchase - no. matter. How. Much. it. Sucks. A monopoly can do what it wants. Until a Tipping Point\ufffd occurs. Is Vista IT ??

No mention at all, in Mr. Pirillo's screed, of DRM. But 7 or 8 respondents mentioned it, including -

Peer Pressure \ufffd Why DRM Will Help Apple Beat Microsoft - March 5, 2007 @ 6:08 am

[\ufffd] There are plenty of other reasons to anticipate an uptick in the Mac\ufffds fortunes. The switch to Vista in general is an opportunity to take a step back and consider other options, particularly considering all the problems people are encountering. Moreover, the Apple brand is getting a huge boost from its success in the consumer electronics space, combined with a practical advantage since its phenomenally popular gizmos work best with its own computers. [\ufffd]

Yeah.. I wonder how the IQ-tets for new hires differ - twixt Cupertino and Redmond.
I guess it's a bit early to see stats on Vista rootkit installs VS eXtra Pain levels..
let's consider a world where Vista was not only a flop, it was a total crash and burn

Love. It.

Anticipating seeing whatever Feisty Fawn turns out to be.. now.. if only it will also detect the guts of a '04 vintage hP laptop, without choking on GRUB, right off the bat. Like most of the other distros.

Thanks for a tawdry tad of titillating techno-trash talk :-0