Spooks was a British spy drama, with considerably more 'realism' and less 'flash' than 007. The agents often impersonated and infiltrated various organisations in order to find information and sometimes particular people.

Anyway. One episode, there was this 'module' (for want of a better word) containing nuclear waste. It was probably 8 ton or so. And it got hijacked and taken to a storage yard in a large fuel depot. The leader of the hijackers threatened to 'blow it up'. Thing was, see, that the transport module was sealed and required some extremely special tools to open. At first the spooks weren't too concerned as the hijackers were simply pasting plastic explosives on the outside of it. And then the spooks' nuclear expert noticed the fuel depot and said that whilst the module couldn't be harmed by mere explosives, if all that oil went up, 'the nuclear waste would get very angry'.
