Recently heard from a reporter:
Signs in Arabic reading, "Proceed with caution" ...
while the military manning a checkpoint thought..... they said,
"Stop!" ...
and had orders to shoot anyone passing a check-line.

But we'll always have Disney, so that even if matters pan out as the sordid stats of our post-WW II wars of Liberation portend - we shall always remain the Most Glorious Failed State imaginable, to the re-historians - the ones teaching the young'uns.

(I was told that during the first depression, Apples 5\ufffd was a popular sign, for those who manufactured things - but nobody could afford to make stuff nobody could buy. Now that we don't manufacture things (again) - will, Last Month's i-Pods $5 do, next?)

I guess that pathetic is among those other overused words du jour..

Now, if the Demo in hospital doesn't get Officers-grade stitches - Dick Cheney will cast all deciding votes. Yeah, it's raining outside here, too.