IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Looking on the bright side, though...
...these children represent no threat to our jobs.


That's not as bright as I thought it would be.


[link|http://www.no2id.net/|Don't Let The Terrorists Win]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
Use P2P for legitimate purposes!
[link|http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?pwhysall|A better terminal emulator]
New Yeah, you gonna be stuck in that job forever.
Ya can't get a promotion 'till ya got a replacement.

We are watching the formation of an underclass. Unlike traditional underclasses this one is self selected and deserves no pity.
     Religio - its ugly head is everywhen.. there and - (Ashton) - (18)
         The google ads agree with you... - (Meerkat) - (2)
             To which LRPD chimes in, with_ *snort* [I Believe.. in Her] -NT - (Ashton) - (1)
                 Love it - as the LRPD when I viewed your comment was... - (Meerkat)
         Well, here's a reared head shortly to be struck off - (rcareaga) - (14)
             Nice. Three cheers for Matthew! - (Another Scott)
             Hey! he's a history teacher - - (Ashton) - (12)
                 Or when Kennedy - (bepatient) - (2)
                     Actually, it was a Jelly Roll - (jb4)
                     ..what's a gratuitous 'ein' among Kameraden? Nitpicker. -NT - (Ashton)
                 The good man's students rise to his defense - (rcareaga) - (8)
                     If they're his product... - (pwhysall) - (2)
                         Along with their English teacher (If they have one...) -NT - (Meerkat) - (1)
                             these are not the product of one or two teachers... - (rcareaga)
                     This affront to the senses must be purged, at once. - (Ashton) - (1)
                         ICLRPD. (new thread) - (Another Scott)
                     Looking on the bright side, though... - (pwhysall) - (1)
                         Yeah, you gonna be stuck in that job forever. - (Andrew Grygus)
                     Not to mention... - (jb4)

There’s nothing we like more than appearing to be open minded.
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