(if'n ya likes yer oxymorons barefaced)

Spewing merely a series of log entries ignores the elements of telling a story. Having the er, documents to substantiate the elements, (perhaps 'enough'? verbatim recordings / transcripts) doesn't mean you need to show everything you 'shot': surely your camera's POV is neither immutable nor ever a complete history, containing every significant event.

A documentary about making TNT could be a complete 'record'. I just don't see how anything involving a homo sap could ever be exactly complete, y'know? We need stories!

Dictionary.com opines
2.\tMovies, Television. based on or re-creating an actual event, era, life story, etc., that purports to be factually accurate and contains no fictional elements: a documentary life of Gandhi.

Close enough for non-government work?

Egregious antonym to 'documentary': the movie JFK.