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New Okay, so I have to ask...
Why, oh, why do idiot drivers have to be near me or my cars?

So, last night, Karen is driving my 2004 Galant, nice car and all that. When she is hit from behind. No I should say the car behind is shoved into the Galant. She is pushed into the car ahead, barely. So being the #2 car in a 5 car accident isn't so bad as the #4 car in the accident.

The #5 car being driven by the idiot, quite fast, raining/sleeting/freezing rain at the time. She couldn't stop in time. Hit the car in front of her, shoved everyone into each other.

Jessica (pregnant, 19 yr old) got out of the car, seeing she was pregnant, SOMEONE called 911 to get an ambulance there for her. No need, as the Galant was drivable. Took her to the Hospital, 4 hours mandatory observation, turned into 12 hours. She began to have contractions every 2 minutes, 3" dialation, 100% effaced. Thought I was gonna be a Grandpa official-like, but the contractions subsided, the dialation reduced to 2" by this morning. Released about 9:15AM. Told her work and everyhting just like normal, as it'll help the body go either way.

Back to the wreck. #1 car was dismissed by the cop after he said no damage. #2 car with my wife has some minor but costly damage, rear bumper cover, bumper, bumper posts/shocks, trunk won't open. #3 car Cadillac something, toast in the front and rear though the rear was more toasty than the front. #4 car was a 2007(maybe a 2006, but said was new) Porsche Cayenne, about 3/4 the length it was supposed to be, lotsa lotsa damage. #5 car (the 100% at fault driver) was a Chrysler Stratus, I think. Key thing here, #5 driver had zero auto insurance. She doesn't realize just how bad she made her life.

All in all, an uneventful night. How was yours?
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry|REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwethey
Freedom is not FREE.
Yeah, but 10s of Trillions of US Dollars?
SELECT * FROM scog WHERE ethics > 0;

0 rows returned.
New Key to all this
is that everyone came out ok in the end. Cars can be fixed (except maybe that cayenne;-)
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
New Hey, that Cayenne is now the more exclusive...
...short-wheel-base [link|http://www.motorintro.com/downloads/_imagesdownloads/marcas/audi/big/Audi%20Sport%20Quattro.jpg|Sport version]!

   [link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad]
(I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Ah, the Germans: Masters of Convoluted Simplification. — [link|http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/?p=1603|Jehovah]
New One of my faves
Thanks for the picture to remind me of what I don't have :-)
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
New So, I gotta ask
Why does a Porsche have an Audi logo on its grill?
I'm comfortably sure they are still different companies.
Enquiring minds want to be run over by expensive cars...
     Okay, so I have to ask... - (folkert) - (4)
         Key to all this - (bepatient) - (3)
             Hey, that Cayenne is now the more exclusive... - (CRConrad) - (2)
                 One of my faves - (bepatient)
                 So, I gotta ask - (hnick)

I could be totally wrong.
36 ms