Yet another decent movie damaged by bad expectations set by the marketing folks. Someone must have seen that it was computer animation and decided it must be a kids' movie. Had they bothered to actually watch it, they would have realized it was more aimed at the tween crowd. (ie: 11-13) The main characters had an argument about whether they were too old to still need a babysitter, and whether they were too grown up to still go trick-or-treating. That was the right age for it.

Besides the growing-up angst being uninteresting to my girls, there was also a close-up of a heart attack death scene. As a technical achievement, the animation of the expressions and the behavior throughout the death was impressive, but it was also somewhat disturbing. Then the main character was motivated for a good bit of the movie by guilt for thinking he was responsible. The twist ending was also a bit heavy for a kids' movie.

Overall, I'd say if you've got some pre-teens they'd probably like it. My 6-year-old thought it was great, but when you ask her about it she talks about the slapstick parts, and the impressive animation. (Some parts really did look photo-realistic.) The 3-year-old thought it was really scary, in a good way. So it looks like she's going to be into scary movies.