Surprised I don't already see a review of it here, just a mention that it was a better movie version of an Asimov story than I, Robot.

In short, I loved it. As with all great sci-fi, it wasn't really about the sci-fi. It used the futuristic premise as a device to examine some basic human issues: What happens when you outlive everyone you care about? Who gets to define an "acceptable" relationship? Who gets to define "humanity"?

It was a bit long at just over two hours, but I took this as a conscious choice to emphasize Andrew's growing unease with living too long. The acting was first-rate, Robin Williams got a few moments to do some unexpected comedy, the sets and costumes were enough to suggest the passage of time without being overbearing. (No Star Trek jumpsuits here.)

Overall, a good way to spend a couple of hours.