I have all that practice comparing remembered slogans of G\ufffdbbels with the polished rephrasing of Karl Rove and his fiends.

(Then too, many of the words - like 'America' were an easy litmus.)

And while I got
"These scum manufacture more than three quarters of the so-called 'public opinion,'...To give an accurate description of this process and depict it in all its falsehood and improbability, one would have to write volumes."
correct.. I believe that scum Is the word Ann, My Gramma and such ilk: long to use.

Hitler more often chose the 'high' (language) road in his scurrility - in public.
We have scant notes of the scheisse-language, in camera - of the Beer Hall Putsch days, while seducing the SA rabble for a next hit. Jews cartooned as rats - first dehumanize, then the annihilation is merely deinfestation; works ever time: Slopes, Ragheads, 'Demo-rats' anyone?

'Course, bein a vegetarian and all ;-) Herr Schikelgruber would have been expected to be capable of at least a practised veneer of cuth, especially when seeking funding, early-on. Nothing useful can be said about a Coulter, though one cannot avoid pondering the physiognomy of a Hate-child spawned with Rove/Wolfowitz as dual donors (?)