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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New You won't think about your next flight Quite the same..
after you read Michael Crichton's Airframe.

It takes a master to combine more pithy insights into such diverse fields as the aircraft industry, meeja and where it focusses its attention - and just plain Capitalist ego in action: than any college course could teach.

All while sustaining suspense. (Hey even my fav alkaloid, scopolamine! - gets in there). As usual, Michael does his homework and somehow manages to get excruciating (but necessary) details right and gives us the fun of finally seeing their relevance to the whole plot.

Attitude change? Yes IMO - when you realize "what must be eliminated" in the preparation of Your next flight, to be competitive in the Brave New Deregulated* world of flying..

* er that is: the 'regulation' shall be done By Bizness For Bizness CIEIOs - with an underfunded set of former watchdog agencies, becoming less-funded by Repos: as we speak. Yup that ol privatize mantra of the CPAs amidst us + the consequences to Your ass. Soon enough, however um gradually.

Have A Nice Flight !

Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle..
New having done work for both the FAA and air service companies
I am surprised by both the quality and the safety that is there considering the PHB's
love of money. The only airline I am currently boycotting is Alaska Airlines for the complete disregard of customers and forcing pilots to fly unsafe airplanes to meet a bullshit schedule. Someone needs jail time over that last crash. The bastard that told them they had to make the schedule instead of landing immeadiately at the closest strip.
can I have my ones and zeros back?
New Yes, that's the trend apparently..
When a PHB chooses an NT server farm over a professional system: that's just average dumbth for our time. But when a ~ PHB starts 'efficiency' studies re Which maintenance schedule can be deferred next:

Well, you know.

WTF ever got the bizarre idea that "bizness talent" had anything whatsoever to do with inteligence? (and we already know about the ethics part). I've never ever understood the *why* of the sheep worshipping the blatant shearers of the flock.!. Actuality mimics fantasy: Chicken Run

Oh well - nothing surprises anymore, where homo-sap depravity is the topic. (Or mindless consuming sheep, either)
     You won't think about your next flight Quite the same.. - (Ashton) - (2)
         having done work for both the FAA and air service companies - (boxley) - (1)
             Yes, that's the trend apparently.. - (Ashton)

A mindset is a terrible thing to waste.
108 ms