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New Should google flex its editorial mucle in the news arena?
yeah I know BUT
Newsbusters commented: "At first blush, one can easily ignore such business decisions by the most powerful company on the Internet as being routine. However, on closer examination, such behavior could give one relatively small technological corporation (when measured by the size of its workforce) a degree of political might that frankly dwarfs its current financial prowess."

The media watchdog noted columnist and blogger Michelle Malkin wrote in February 2005 her difficulties in becoming part of Google News. Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs had a similar complaint.

When Google News launched its beta site in April 2002, it said its mission was to construct an unbiased news engine free of human intervention using new methods of aggregating news from sources worldwide
that last sentence doesnt appear to apply anymore.
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
New Re: google flex
right-wingers are up in arms because some of their
sites have been dropped by google news (not search)

they need to think some more about the hate speech issue
I believe they have freedom of speech
google has the right to decide that their bizarre
tirades against Islam, Mexicans, blacks, moonbats, etc
are not news

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New my bad, thought they were dropped from search
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
New Re: Should google flex its editorial mucle in the news arena
The media watchdog noted columnist and blogger Michelle Malkin

Obvious error, it should be "Hard right shill and noted whiner Michelle Malkin."

Actually I think this is a serious issue, as it would be very easy for Google to intentionally or unintentionally bias the news based on who they include and who they don't. And I'm sure there are already people and groups working to intentionally manipulate Google news coverage.

In fact this is a two way street and any time you hear complaints of bias you need to consider both the material and who is making the complaint, before you can decide if it is justified.

For instance, "The Jawareport" was actually only removed temporarily for a period last year. And having read some of the rantings of J. Grant Swank, Jr., I can see why they cut him. The one about the decline of civilization that points to Congress passing a pro-gay law on 6/6/06 is the sort of material that I would assume was parody if he obviously didn't mean it.

Both left wing and right wing media regularly complains that they are censored and suppressed. And to a certain extend, I think they are both correct. But I think both sides also exaggerate the problem, and I think the left is hurt more then the right by these problems.

     Should google flex its editorial mucle in the news arena? - (boxley) - (3)
         Re: google flex - (andread) - (1)
             my bad, thought they were dropped from search -NT - (boxley)
         Re: Should google flex its editorial mucle in the news arena - (JayMehaffey)

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